Fear v. Curiosity in a Surreal Time
Thriving in Constant Change
By Consilio
In a world where technology advances at lightning speed, leaving us with questions about its impact, where loneliness can feel more prevalent than ever, and genuine connections seem hard to come by both at work and home, it's easy to feel a constant undercurrent of uncertainty. Economic ups and downs can add to the mix, but here's the thing: we have a choice. We can CHOOSE curiosity over fear. By staying curious in the face of change, we can turn that low-level anxiety into a driving force for personal growth. Change may be unsettling, but it's also where we discover our resilience and untapped potential. Embrace the unknown and thrive in this ever-evolving world.
There is no greater time for extending compassion, which takes courage when facing the unknown. Be intentional. How will you show up today and move forward?
We have a tool — Fear v. Curiosity — to walk you through the biggest hack to minimizing fear and uncertainty. Please use it and distribute it freely.