It’s Not Just About The Annual Review

Regular Check-Ins Make or Break Development

By Lori Martin

Most Performance Management programs focus on the Annual Review. But if you want to make the most of your people-development approach, take time for a mid-year check-in. Your time and effort will demonstrate your commitment to your team’s well-being. 

If you don’t have a process developed, get started by sitting down with each of your people for a short meeting and cover these three things:

  1. Goal Tracking: Review each person’s goals to find out how they are progressing. Are they on track? Do any goals need to be changed? Has a new opportunity presented itself to add to their goals?

  2. Clearing the Path: What do your people need from you to help them be successful? In asking this, your staff has the opportunity to take ownership of their development path.

  3. Appreciation: Express your appreciation for the work they have done so far this year and for the value they bring to the team. Consider highlighting one accomplishment from each of your team at the next staff meeting.

If you would like to chat about maximizing your performance management program, contact me here.


Fear v. Curiosity in a Surreal Time


The Answer is Active Recovery