The Appreciation Revolution

41% of employees say recognition is the most important action their leader can take. Yet only 35% of North American employees have received any recognition in the past year. We’re here to start a revolution.

Appreciation in the workplace matters.

Nearly 80% of employees cite lack of appreciation as one of the main reasons for leaving their job. As human beings we have simple needs, to be connected to others we care about and the opportunity to grow and make a difference. This does not change at work. When we create measurable systems and accountability protocols for gratitude and appreciation, we have failed. Without authentic appreciation connection erodes into siloed workers who are less creative, go home feeling burned out and dread doing it all again the next day. It does not have to be like this. When you experience the difference of a culture where each individual is not only able to be the fullest version of themselves but celebrated for it, amazing things happen.

Appreciation Revolution

Most companies suffer from an appreciation drought. 41% of employees say recognition is the most important action their leader can take. Yet only 35% of North American employees have received any recognition in the past year. We’re here to change that.

The Appreciation Revolution is a transformative concept when put into practice. Trust will grow. Engagement will take root. Innovations will breakthrough. Performance will increase. Teams will thrive. We’ve worked with hundreds of companies to create better cultures through the Appreciation Revolution.

Companies that appreciate their people experience:



increase in engagement


increase in innovation


increase in results